Selah Physical Therapy

Specialized physical therapy for your wellness journey. Serving the Mid-Cities area with in-office and concierge options to accommodate your needs.

Mission and Goals

  • "Selah" in the Psalms refers to the period of time after a refrain where you pause and listen to the music. My mission is to take the time to pause and listen to my client's stories. These stories are not just about your physical symptoms, it involves you as a whole person, your background, your history, your day to day goals, and your perspectives.

  • Most physical therapy settings are unable to provide true one-on one treatment sessions. At Selah your time is just that: YOUR TIME! We spend the entirety of your scheduled appointment focusing on your needs without the distraction of other clients.

  • The body has an amazing capacity to heal itself. Through neuromuscular reeducation and desensitization, the body has the ability to adapt and change. Independence means gaining the skills and understanding to manage your own symptoms, make your own progress, and know when it is really necessary to reach out for additional treatment.

  • Most conventional healthcare focuses on chasing symptoms. My goal is to pursue the root cause of your symptoms through a thorough evaluation and assessment of progress with each treatment session. You are a whole person, so you need to be evaluation as a whole person!

  • I enjoy taking the time to educate my clients and give you resources you need to pursue optimal health. I provide detailed handouts that cover a variety of wellness topics specific to your needs ranging from nutrition, pelvic health, labor and delivery, and postpartum self-care.

  • It is a great honor to be invited in as a member of your team on your wellness journey. I hope to be able to collaborate with you on your goals as well as your other trusted healthcare providers to ensure a holistic and well rounded team.


Meet Your Therapist




What is Pelvic Health?